void HTML_QuickForm_hierselect::setOptions (
array $options
Sets the options for the select elements within hierselect. Note that the actual number of selects that will be displayed is governed by the number of the elements in the array passed to this function.
Array of options for the elements, having the following structure:
The options for subsequent elements should have keys for all options of the previous elements. Having a select without options is invalid HTML and will break hierselect's JavaScript. See also Bug #5218.
throws no exceptions thrown
This function can not be called statically.
since 3.2.2
Setting the hierselect options
$select1 = $select2 = $select3 = array();
$select1[0] = 'Pop';
$select1[1] = 'Classical';
$select1[2] = 'Funeral doom';
// second select
$select2[0][0] = '--- Artist ---';
$select2[0][1] = 'Red Hot Chil Peppers';
$select2[0][2] = 'The Pixies';
$select2[1][0] = '--- Artist ---';
$select2[1][1] = 'Wagner';
$select2[1][2] = 'Strauss';
$select2[2][0] = '--- Artist ---';
$select2[2][1] = 'Pantheist';
$select2[2][2] = 'Skepticism';
// Create a third select with prices for the cds
$select3[0][0][0] = '--- Choose the artist ---';
$select3[0][1][0] = '15.00$';
$select3[0][2][1] = '17.00$';
$select3[1][0][0] = '--- Choose the artist ---';
$select3[1][1][0] = '15.00$';
$select3[1][2][1] = '17.00$';
$select3[2][0][0] = '--- Choose the artist ---';
$select3[2][1][0] = '15.00$';
$select3[2][2][1] = '17.00$';
// Create the Element
$sel =& $form->addElement('hierselect', 'cds', 'Choose CD:');
// And add the selection options
$sel->setOptions(array($select1, $select2, $select3));