integer fetchInto (
array &$arr
integer $fetchMode
integer $rowNum
= null
Places a row of data from a result set into a variable you provide then moves the result pointer to the next row. The data can be formatted as an array or an object.
reference to a variable to contain the row
the fetch mode to use. The default is DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, which tells this method to use DB's current fetch mode. DB's current default fetch mode can be changed using setFetchMode(). Potential values include:
the row number to fetch. Note that 0 returns the first row, 1 returns the second row, etc.
integer - DB_OK if a row is processed, NULL when the end of the result set is reached or a DB_Error object on failure
This function can not be called statically.
Using fetchInto()
// Once you have a valid DB object named $db...
$res =& $db->query('SELECT * FROM mytable');
while ($res->fetchInto($row)) {
// Assuming DB's default fetchmode is
echo $row[0] . "\n";