Top Level :: Database

Package Information: DB_DataObject

» Summary » License
An SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables PHP License 3.01
» Current Release » Bug Summary
1.11.5 (stable) was released on 2015-11-10 by alan_k (Changelog)
Easy Install

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pear install DB_DataObject

Pyrus Install

Try PEAR2's installer, Pyrus.

php pyrus.phar install pear/DB_DataObject

Development Roadmap (next release: 1.99 in -5686 days!!, 100% complete)
  • Package Maintenance Rank: 131 of 225 packages with open bugs
  • Number of open bugs: 19 (402 total bugs)
  • Average age of open bugs: 4877 days
  • Oldest open bug: 6805 days
  • Number of open feature requests: 23 (124 total feature requests)

Report a new bug to DB_DataObject
» Description
DataObject performs 2 tasks:
1. Builds SQL statements based on the objects vars and the builder methods.
2. acts as a datastore for a table row.
The core class is designed to be extended for each of your tables so that you put the
data logic inside the data classes.
included is a Generator to make your configuration files and your base classes.
» Maintainers » More Information

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