1. Introduction
  2. Formatting Tutorial
  3. Workbook::close
  4. Workbook::&addWorksheet
  5. Workbook::&addFormat
  6. Workbook::setCountry
  7. Workbook::&setTempDir
  8. Workbook::setVersion
  9. Workbook::setCustomColor
  10. Workbook::worksheets
  11. Worksheet::getName
  12. Worksheet::
  13. Worksheet::select
  14. Worksheet::activate
  15. Worksheet::setFirstSheet
  16. Worksheet::protect
  17. Worksheet::setColumn
  18. Worksheet::writeCol
  19. Worksheet::writeRow
  20. Worksheet::setSelection
  21. Worksheet::freezePanes
  22. Worksheet::thawPanes
  23. Worksheet::
  24. Worksheet::setPortrait
  25. Worksheet::setLandscape
  26. Worksheet::setPaper
  27. Worksheet::setHeader
  28. Worksheet::setFooter
  29. Worksheet::setMerge
  30. Worksheet::
  31. Worksheet::
  32. Worksheet::setMargins
  33. Worksheet::setMargins_LR
  34. Worksheet::setMargins_TB
  35. Worksheet::setMarginLeft
  36. Worksheet::
  37. Worksheet::setMarginTop
  38. Worksheet::
  39. Worksheet::repeatRows
  40. Worksheet::repeatColumns
  41. Worksheet::printArea
  42. Worksheet::hideGridlines
  43. Worksheet::
  44. Worksheet::fitToPages
  45. Worksheet::
  46. Worksheet::
  47. Worksheet::setZoom
  48. Worksheet::setPrintScale
  49. Worksheet::write
  50. Worksheet::writeNumber
  51. Worksheet::writeString
  52. Worksheet::writeNote
  53. Worksheet::writeBlank
  54. Worksheet::writeFormula
  55. Worksheet::writeUrl
  56. Worksheet::setRow
  57. Worksheet::mergeCells
  58. Worksheet::insertBitmap
  59. Worksheet::setOutline
  60. Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
  61. send
  62. rowcolToCell
  63. Format::setAlign
  64. Format::setVAlign
  65. Format::setHAlign
  66. Format::setMerge
  67. Format::setLocked
  68. Format::setUnLocked
  69. Format::setBold
  70. Format::setBottom
  71. Format::setTop
  72. Format::setLeft
  73. Format::setRight
  74. Format::setBorder
  75. Format::setBorderColor
  76. Format::setBottomColor
  77. Format::setTopColor
  78. Format::setLeftColor
  79. Format::setRightColor
  80. Format::setFgColor
  81. Format::setBgColor
  82. Format::setColor
  83. Format::setPattern
  84. Format::setUnderline
  85. Format::setItalic
  86. Format::setSize
  87. Format::setTextWrap
  88. Format::setTextRotation
  89. Format::setNumFormat
  90. Format::setStrikeOut
  91. Format::setOutLine
  92. Format::setShadow
  93. Format::setScript
  94. Format::setFontFamily


Worksheet::insertBitmap – Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet. The main record required is


require_once "Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php";

void Worksheet::insertBitmap ( integer $row , integer $col , string $bitmap , integer $x=0 , integer $y=0 , integer $scale_x=1 , integer $scale_y=1 )


Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet. The main record required is IMDATA but it must be proceeded by a OBJ record to define its position.


  • integer $row - The row we are going to insert the bitmap into

  • integer $col - The column we are going to insert the bitmap into

  • string $bitmap - The bitmap filename

  • integer $x - The horizontal position (offset) of the image inside the cell.

  • integer $y - The vertical position (offset) of the image inside the cell.

  • integer $scale_x - The horizontal scale

  • integer $scale_y - The vertical scale


This function can not be called statically.


Using insertBitmap()


This is an Excel97/2000 method. It is required to perform more complicated (Previous) This method sets the properties for outlining and grouping (Next)
Last updated: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 — Download Documentation
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User Notes:

Note by: alvaro@demogracia.com
Plese note that params $x and $y (horizontal/vertical position) are allowed to be negative.
Note by: seb
setColumn works like:
setColumn ( firstcol , lastcol , width)
and not
setColumn ( row , col , width)
Note by: hoze
if u want to place a image to (0,0) for example, and u want to set width and height of the rows and columns around the image with setRow and setColumn, don't use setColumn on the same row:

$worksheet->setColumn(0,0,50); // row 0 col 0
$worksheet->setColumn(0,1,50); // row 0 col 1
with this the image get scaled.
$worksheet->setColumn(0,0,50); // row 0 col 0
$worksheet->setColumn(1,1,50); // row 1 col 1 <-- setting row1 and col1 (instead of row0 col1)

with that usage, i used:
$worksheet->insertBitmap(0, 0, "path_to_img/image", 0, 0, 1, 1);
not (...1.25,1) and the image is not scaled.

hope this helps.
Note by: grodrigu@uci.edu
I found this from somewhere else which proved to be helpful

/* ************** Important - do this AFTER all column widths and merges! ************/

$logo = "/home/username/public_html/images/image_name.bmp";

// Insert Logo into Top Left corner of worksheet
$worksheet->insertBitmap(0, 0, $logo, 0, 0, 1.25, 1);
// 1.25 adjusts for problems with display size
/************************************************** **************************/