Packages :: Tools and Utilities (8)

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Tool to create Code generaters that operate on XML descriptions

Status: 1.0.7 (stable) released on 2010-09-27
License: PHP
Maintained: Yes
Open Bugs: 1

Abstract base package for MySQL code generators

Status: 1.0.0RC1 (beta) released on 2009-02-11
License: PHP
Maintained: Yes
Open Bugs: 1

Tool to generate MySQL Pugins from an XML description

Status: 0.9.2 (alpha) released on 2009-02-16
License: PHP
Maintained: Yes
Open Bugs: none

Tool to generate MySQL UDF extensions from an XML description

Status: 1.0.0RC1 (beta) released on 2009-02-11
License: PHP
Maintained: Yes
Open Bugs: 2

Tool to generate PECL extensions from an XML description

Status: 1.1.3 (stable) released on 2010-09-27
License: PHP
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: 10

Utility class for dealing with MIME types

Status: 1.4.1 (stable) released on 2015-11-04
License: LGPL
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: none

Library/Tool focusing exclusively on the file size aspect of PHP script optimization.

Status: 0.4.0 (alpha) released on 2005-11-21
License: LGPL
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: none

Wrapper classes for the mnoGoSearch extention

Status: 0.1.1 (alpha) released on 2005-04-11
License: PHP License 2.02
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: none

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