Top Level :: Tools and Utilities :: Testing

Package Information: Testing_Selenium

» Summary » License
PHP Client for Selenium RC PHP License
» Current Release » Bug Summary
0.4.4 (alpha) was released on 2010-10-10 by doconnor (Changelog)
Easy Install

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pear install Testing_Selenium

Pyrus Install

Try PEAR2's installer, Pyrus.

php pyrus.phar install pear/Testing_Selenium

  • Package Maintenance Rank: 156 of 225 packages with open bugs
  • Number of open bugs: 7 (18 total bugs)
  • Average age of open bugs: 5184 days
  • Oldest open bug: 6481 days
  • Number of open feature requests: 3 (6 total feature requests)

Report a new bug to Testing_Selenium
» Description
PHP Client for the Selenium Remote Control test tool

Selenium Remote Control (SRC) is a test tool that allows you to write
automated web application UI tests in any programming language against
any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. SRC
provides a Selenium Server, which can automatically start/stop/control
any supported browser. It works by using Selenium Core, a pure-HTML+JS
library that performs automated tasks in JavaScript; the Selenium
Server communicates directly with the browser using AJAX

This module sends commands directly to the Server using simple HTTP
GET/POST requests. Using this module together with the Selenium
Server, you can automatically control any supported browser.

To use this module, you need to have already downloaded and started
the Selenium Server. (The Selenium Server is a Java application.)
» Maintainers » More Information

Dependencies for Testing_Selenium