
DB_NestedSet::getChildren() – Fetch the children _one level_ after of a node given by id


require_once 'DB/NestedSet.php';

mixed DB_NestedSet::getChildren ( int $id , bool $keepAsArray = false , bool $aliasFields = true , bool $forceNorder = false , array $addSQL = array() )


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integer $id

The node ID

boolean $keepAsArray

(optional) Keep the result as an array or transform it into a set of DB_NestedSet_Node objects?

boolean $aliasFields

(optional) Should we alias the fields so they are the names of the parameter keys, or leave them as is?

boolean $forceNorder

(optional) Force the result to be ordered by the norder param (as opposed to the value of secondary sort). Used by the move and add methods.

array $addSQL

(optional) Array of additional params to pass to the query.

Return value

returns False on error, or an array of nodes


see _addSQL


throws no exceptions thrown


This function can not be called statically.


Get Children

$nestedSet =& DB_NestedSet::factory('DB'$dsn$params);
$parent $nestedSet->createRootNode(array('name' => 'root-node'), falsetrue);
$parent2 $nestedSet->createSubNode($parent, array('name' => 'sub-node));
    $nestedSet->createSubNode($parent2, array('
name' => 'sub1'));
    $nestedSet->createSubNode($parent2, array('
name' => 'sub2'));
    $data = $nestedSet->getChildren($parent2);
Fetch the whole branch where a given node id is in (Previous) Fetch the immediate parent of a node given by id (Next)
Last updated: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 — Download Documentation
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User Notes:

Note by: Burrito Grande
If the node has no children, this function appears to return false.

(I was expecting an empty array from what was written above)