Philippe Jausions [2005-03-13 14:56 UTC] This looks interesting.
Some PEAR Coding Standard misses:
- Your package is named Map_Projection, so it would go under Math/Map/Projection folder. I'm not sure if "Map" should be a category on its own under Math. Otherwise you could go with MapProjection as package name... Note: This is not a request to change the name of the package.
- Please refer to PEAR Coding Standard page for comment block format, especially for the function comment. The "/**functionName" format you're using is not correct.
- Put comment block for class properties/members (see PEAR CS again)
- Class naming (PEAR CS again). I believe Linear_Projection should become Map_Projection and Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Projection should become Math_Map_Projection_LambertComformalConic and the same for other classes.
- Since you say there are many ways to project 3D data into a 2D plan, I suggest to use a factory pattern to set the projection method to be used. Something like: Math_Map_Projection::factory('LambertComformalConic');
- PEAR CS: Add if methods are public, private, protected...
- If not done so already, please submit a bug regarding the white space in the Matrix package.
Good work otherwise...
Daniel O'Connor [2007-12-17 22:48 UTC] Is there any further thought about this particular proposal? It'd be quite useful to have with one or two usage examples I'd imagine.
Michael Gauthier [2011-01-30 22:16 UTC] Michal, are you still working on this? Please let us know if you are not.