Top Level :: PEAR

Package Information: PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli

This package is not maintained, if you would like to take over please go to this page.
» Summary » License
A command line interface to PEAR_PackageFileManager LGPL
» Current Release » Bug Summary
0.4.0 (alpha) was released on 2012-04-09 by doconnor (Changelog)
Easy Install

Not sure? Get more info.

pear install PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli

Pyrus Install

Try PEAR2's installer, Pyrus.

php pyrus.phar install pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli

Development Roadmap
  • Package Maintenance Rank: 171 of 225 packages with open bugs
  • Number of open bugs: 4 (11 total bugs)
  • Average age of open bugs: 5287 days
  • Oldest open bug: 6228 days
  • Number of open feature requests: 4 (9 total feature requests)

Report a new bug to PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli
» Description
A command line interface to PEAR_PackageFileManager. Use this
tool as a quick alternative to writing a php script to create or edit your
package xml files.

This tool is currently in an alpha release state. Feel free to test it out and
raise any bugs or feature requests with the functionality or user interface.
Feedback is always appreciated.
» Maintainers » More Information

Dependencies for PEAR_PackageFileManager_Cli