Top Level :: HTTP

Package Information: HTTP_Request2

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Weblog:All news about PHP
Title:Newly stable packages in PEAR
We’ve had 60 releases since July. While most are often minor improvements or bug fixes; a number of packages really stand out. Net_DNS2, and HTTP_Request2. Each of these packages represents the second edition of their respective APIs; each having been hon
Title:What is the best http client library for php?
another tip I got was HTTP_Request 2
Weblog:All news about PHP
Title:Working With Non-Namespaced Components
In my Beyond Frameworks talk, I explained how a component-based architecture can help answer some of the important (i.e.
Weblog:All news about PHP
Title:Dealing With PEAR Dependency Quirks
In my Beyond Frameworks talk, I explained how a component-based architecture can help answer some of the important (i.e.
Weblog:till's blog
Title:PHP: So you'd like to migrate from MySQL to CouchDB? - Part I
This is the first part of a series. I'll start off by introducing CouchDB — from a PHP side, then I'll demo a couple basic use cases and I later on, I'll dive into migrations from MySQL. My idea is to introduce CouchDB to a world where database-dri