Top Level :: Encryption

Package Information: Crypt_RSA

This package is not maintained anymore and has been superseded. Package has moved to channel, package Crypt_RSA.
» Summary » License
Provides RSA-like key generation, encryption/decryption, signing and signature checking. Users are strongly advised to migrate to phpseclib's Crypt_RSA; which is better maintained and less vulnerable to security issues. PHP
» Current Release » Bug Summary
1.2.1 (beta) was released on 2009-01-05 by doconnor (Changelog)
Easy Install

Not sure? Get more info.

pear install Crypt_RSA

Pyrus Install

Try PEAR2's installer, Pyrus.

php pyrus.phar install pear/Crypt_RSA

1.0.0 (stable) was released on 2005-05-11 (Changelog)
  • Package Maintenance Rank: 112 of 225 packages with open bugs
  • Number of open bugs: 3 (17 total bugs)
  • Average age of open bugs: 4637 days
  • Oldest open bug: 6692 days
  • Number of open feature requests: 4 (5 total feature requests)

Report a new bug to Crypt_RSA
» Description
This package allows you to use two-key strong cryptography like RSA with arbitrary key length.
It uses one of the following extensions for math calculations:
- PECL big_int extension ( ) version greater than or equal to 1.0.3
- PHP GMP extension ( )
- PHP BCMath extension ( ) for both PHP4 and PHP5
» Maintainers » More Information

Dependencies for Crypt_RSA

  • PHP 4.0.0
  • PEAR Installer 1.4.0b1
  • big_int 1.0.3 (Optional)
  • bcmath extension (Optional)
  • gmp extension (Optional)