Package Statistics

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» Statistics for Package "Image_Color"

General Statistics
Number of releases: 7
Total downloads: 551,610

Release Statistics
Version Downloads Released Last Download
1.0.6 2,518 2024-01-15 2024-07-26 19:39 UTC
1.0.4 258,392 2010-05-20 2024-07-03 21:21 UTC
1.0.3 66,392 2008-12-27 2023-12-25 07:27 UTC
1.0.2 169,885 2005-09-12 2024-07-23 21:04 UTC
1.0.1 35,608 2004-05-25 2023-10-12 16:19 UTC
1.0.0 5,064 2004-04-17 2023-10-12 16:19 UTC
0.4 13,751 2003-01-02 2023-10-12 16:19 UTC

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