Package Statistics

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» Statistics for Package "PEAR_PackageFileManager"

General Statistics
Number of releases: 46
Total downloads: 314,675

Release Statistics
Version Downloads Released Last Download
1.7.2 13,395 2015-12-15 2024-07-26 23:30 UTC
1.7.1 2,051 2015-12-15 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.7.0 100,359 2009-04-15 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.7.0alpha1 2,308 2009-03-09 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.3 17,569 2007-11-20 2024-07-25 03:02 UTC
1.6.2 4,539 2007-10-09 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.1 7,810 2007-06-17 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0 14,621 2006-11-17 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0b5 2,738 2006-10-21 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0b4 3,151 2006-08-19 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0b3 2,358 2006-08-15 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0b2 3,454 2006-06-06 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.5.3 10,541 2006-06-06 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0b1 2,462 2006-05-29 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a8 2,932 2006-05-03 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a7 3,651 2006-02-28 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a6 3,149 2006-01-26 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a5 2,632 2006-01-12 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a4 3,833 2005-11-04 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a3 4,042 2005-09-06 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a2 2,506 2005-08-30 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.6.0a1 5,075 2005-05-28 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.5.2 14,983 2005-05-20 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.5.1 4,876 2005-04-08 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.5.0 3,131 2005-03-28 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.4.0 4,429 2005-02-20 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.3.0 3,150 2005-02-08 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.2.1 16,531 2004-04-27 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.2.0 6,563 2004-02-07 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.1.0 3,903 2003-12-11 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
1.0 5,784 2003-08-21 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.15 2,532 2003-08-06 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.14 2,424 2003-08-04 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.13 2,388 2003-08-02 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.12 2,483 2003-07-28 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.11 2,417 2003-07-25 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.10 2,413 2003-07-25 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.9 2,392 2003-07-25 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.8 2,406 2003-07-23 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.7 2,379 2003-07-23 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.6 2,373 2003-07-23 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.5 2,399 2003-07-23 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.4 2,367 2003-07-23 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.3 2,385 2003-07-22 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.2 2,412 2003-07-22 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC
0.1 2,379 2003-07-21 2023-10-12 16:36 UTC

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