Pager is a class to page an array of data. It is taken as input and it is paged according to various parameters. Pager also builds links within a specified range, and allows complete customization of the output (it even works with mod_rewrite). It is compatible with Pager v.1.x and Pager_Sliding API
This simple example will page the array of alphabetical letters, giving back pages with 3 letters per page, and links to the previous two / next two pages:
require_once 'Pager.php';
$params = array(
'mode' => 'Jumping',
'perPage' => 3,
'delta' => 2,
'itemData' => array('a','b','c','d','e',[...omissis...],'z')
$pager = & Pager::factory($params);
$data = $pager->getPageData();
$links = $pager->getLinks();
//$links is an ordered+associative array with 'back'/'pages'/'next'/'first'/'last'/'all' links.
//NB: $links['all'] is the same as $pager->links;
//echo links to other pages:
echo $links['all'];
//Pager can also generate <link rel="first|prev|next|last"> tags
echo $pager->linkTags;
//Show data for current page:
echo 'PAGED DATA: ' ; print_r($data);
//Results from methods:
echo 'getCurrentPageID()...: '; var_dump($pager->getCurrentPageID());
echo 'getNextPageID()......: '; var_dump($pager->getNextPageID());
echo 'getPreviousPageID()..: '; var_dump($pager->getPreviousPageID());
echo 'numItems()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numItems());
echo 'numPages()...........: '; var_dump($pager->numPages());
echo 'isFirstPage()........: '; var_dump($pager->isFirstPage());
echo 'isLastPage().........: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPage());
echo 'isLastPageComplete().: '; var_dump($pager->isLastPageComplete());
echo '$pager->range........: '; var_dump($pager->range);
In case you're wondering, $pager->range is a numeric array; its keys are the numbers of the pages in the current range, and the matching values are booleans (TRUE if its key represents currentPage, FALSE otherwise). This array can be useful to build the links manually, e.g. when using a template engine.
This example shows how you can use this class with mod_rewite. Let's suppose we have a .htaccess like this:
It should transform an url like "/articles/march/art15.html" into "/article.php?num=15&month=march"
require_once 'Pager.php';
$month = 'september';
$params = array(
'mode' => 'Sliding',
'append' => false,
'urlVar' => 'num',
'path' => '' . $month,
'fileName' => 'art%d.html', //Pager replaces "%d" with page number...
'itemData' => array('a','b','c',[...omissis...],'z'),
'perPage' => 3
$pager = & Pager::factory($params);
$data = $pager->getPageData();
echo $pager->links;
echo 'Data for current page: '; print_r($data);
Using more than one pager in a single page is as simple as using a different
for each pager:
require_once 'Pager.php';
//first pager
$params1 = array(
'perPage' => 3,
'urlVar' => 'pageID_articles', //1st identifier
'itemData' => $someArray
$pager1 = & Pager::factory($params1);
$data1 = $pager1->getPageData();
$links1 = $pager1->getLinks();
//second pager
$params2 = array(
'perPage' => 8,
'urlVar' => 'pageID_news', //2nd identifier
'itemData' => $someOtherArray
$pager2 = & Pager::factory($params2);
$data2 = $pager2->getPageData();
$links2 = $pager2->getLinks();
If you want to paginate db resultsets, fetching them all into an array and passing it to Pager might not be the best option. You can still leverage Pager and have good performances using a wrapper. There is a sample wrapper for each one of the PEAR db abstraction systems in the /examples/ dir of the package. You may use it as-is or customize it to your needs.
If you need to add some extra variables to the querystring,
use the extraVars
$params = array(
'extraVars' => array(
'firstKey' => 'firstValue',
'secondKey' => 'secondValue',
$pager1 = & Pager::factory($params);
Since version 2.2.1, Pager works with PHP 5 too, but you must use the factory() method instead of the constructor (which is deprecated):
require_once 'Pager.php';
//$pager =& new Pager($params);
$pager =& Pager::factory($params);
//continue as you did before
If you are using a previous revision and cannot update, you must write the following code on PHP 5:
//chose your preferred mode [Jumping | Sliding]:
//require_once 'Pager/Jumping.php';
require_once 'Pager/Sliding.php';
//$pager =& new Pager_Jumping($params);
$pager =& new Pager_Sliding($params);
//continue as you did before
There are some other online resources with in-depth coverage of what Pager can do: PEAR::Pager tutorials.