Proposal for "Payment_PayPalSoap"

» Metadata » Status
» Description

This package provides an easy-to-use wrapper of PHP 5's SOAP client
for use with the PayPal SOAP API.

By itself, this package isn't very useful. It should be used in combination with the documentation provided by PayPal at This package makes it easier to get up and running, and allows you to begin integration by making requests rather than by figuring out how to set SOAP authentication headers.

This package requires PHP 5.1.0 or greater, built with the SOAP extension enabled.
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» Dependencies » Links
  • PHP 5
  • PHP soap extension
» Timeline » Changelog
  • First Draft: 2008-04-28
  • Proposal: 2008-04-28
  • Call for Votes: 2008-08-20
  • Michael Gauthier
    [2008-05-05 13:27 UTC]

    Address most of the feedback from Joe Stump:

    1.) Consolidated exception class definitions in a single file.
    2.) Made soapClient, soapHeader and soapOptions protected instead of private.
    5.) Wrap SoapFault in a package-specific exception class that extends a base exception class for the package.
    6.) Change package name to Payment_PayPal_Soap
    7.) Lazily load the soap client when call() is run.
    8.) Unit tests for PayPal's Express Checkout. The framework is in place to easily add tests for other API sections. Also wrote an AllTests.php.

    - PayPal responses that contain Error objects now throw an exception.
    - updated package.php requirements to exclude versions of PHP with a broken SOAP extension (PHP Bug #44882).
    - documentation and typo fixes

  • Michael Gauthier
    [2008-08-20 18:57 UTC]

    Get package ready for votes.

    • Updated constructor API to use a named options array.
    • added getLastRequest() and getLastResponse() debug methods
    • fixed a bug when using live payments mode with signature authentication
    • made set methods protected
    • removed unused _certificateFile property
    • added a couple more tests
  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2023-12-17 10:32 UTC]

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2023-12-17 10:32 UTC]

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2024-01-15 13:56 UTC]

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2024-06-20 10:44 UTC]