Proposal for "PHP_Annotation"

» Metadata » Status
» Description

PHP_Annotation, Attribute Extension is supported to Class,Function,Method and Property. And, the DI library is supported.

-- Function list --
1. Get Annotation Object
- PHP_Annotation::parse(string $class_name);
- PHP_Annotation::parse(string $function_name);
- PHP_Annotation::parseFunction(string $function_name);
- PHP_Annotation::parseMethod(string $class_name, string $method_name);
- PHP_Annotation::parseProperty(string $class_name, string $property_name);
- PHP_Annotation::parse(Reflector $ref);

* Parse Comment by using getDocComment() of Reflector.

2. Getting processing result useing by Annotation Object.
- PHP_Annotation::exec(PHP_Annotation_Factory $factory=null); support java.lang.annotation format.
- PHP_Annotation::exec[Command Name]();
- PHP_Annotation::exec_[Command Full Name](); //ref:PHP_Annotation::__call()

* Support PhpDocumentor and java.lang.annotation format.
Because used Command design pattern, An easily original format can be built in.

3.Use DI library
- PHP_Annotation_ContainerFactory::singleton()
- PHP_Annotation_ContainerFactory::setContainerConfig( PHP_Annotation_ContainerConfig $config=null)
- PHP_Annotation_ContainerFactory::getComponent( string $name )

* Support annotation: @construct, @instance, @property
* Exsample: sample6.php
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» Dependencies » Links
  • PHP >= 5.1.3
  • Console_Getargs(optional)
» Timeline » Changelog
  • First Draft: 2006-08-28
  • Proposal: 2006-08-28
  • Call for Votes: 2006-10-03
  • Kouichi Sakamoto
    [2006-08-30 14:41 UTC]

    The format of the code was reviewed by PHP_CodeSniffer.

  • Kouichi Sakamoto
    [2006-09-30 15:46 UTC]

    - Update Version 0.1.2
    - Delete PHP_Annotation_Command_Unit_TestCase, PHP_Annotation_Command_Unit_Info, PHP_Annotation_Command_Util_Validate, PHP_Annotation_Command_Util_ValidateError.

    - Support java.lang.annotation Format.
    - Support DI Library(Class:Annotation_ContainerFactory)
    can use annotation: @construct, @instance, @property
    exsample) sample6.php

    - Add Factory Class "PHP_Annotation_Factory_PearPackage".
    This can generate PearPackage.
    exsample) sample5.php

    - Add Factory Class "PHP_Annotation_Factory_Console".
    Â@This can generate Console Command line.
    exsample) sample7.php

  • Kouichi Sakamoto
    [2006-09-30 22:51 UTC]

    Rename from Annotation_ContainerFactory to PHP_Annotation_ContainerFactory.

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2023-12-08 07:35 UTC]

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2024-03-26 13:53 UTC]

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2024-05-06 09:12 UTC]

  • Thies C. Arntzen
    [2024-07-22 15:57 UTC]