Bill Shupp [2008-09-27 18:21 UTC] * Services_oEmbed_Exception extends Exception, not PEAR_Exception
* Nice use of libxml_use_internal_errors()
* The proposal and package.xml both lack dependencies for Net_URL2 and Validate.
* I'd like to see timeouts configurable, i.e. CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT for curl and the timeout / readTimeout options for HTTP_Request.
Nice work!
Joe Stump [2008-09-29 22:15 UTC] * I've created Services_oEmbed::setOption() along with the ability to explicitly set the API URI, HTTP timeout, and User-Agent.
* I've created a central Services_oEmbed::sendRequest() method and standardized on using curl.
* I left the exception classes as-is because it's not required by the CS and it's somewhat unliked in the PEAR community (see PEAR_Exception2 RFC).
Joe Stump [2008-09-29 22:30 UTC] I now see that PEAR_Exception is required. Fixing now.