Comments for "XML_Indexing"

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Comments are only accepted during the "Proposal" phase. This proposal is currently in the "Finished" phase.
» Comments
  • Sérgio Carvalho  [2004-10-03 16:11 UTC]

    It'd be nice to have a link to the source code (.phps) instead of the whole .tgz package. It'd mean an easier code review for everyone (and hence more reviews).
  • Christian Stocker  [2004-10-04 06:36 UTC]

    I don't know, what I should think of this package. Nice idea, missleading title, wrong implementation of XPath

    1) You're not implementing "Not all of the XPath language, but an appropriate subset for what a big XML files is expected to contain.", but a very limited one, which is even wrong.

    the get the title of the 2nd entry of my test file, I have to write
    while it should be

    2) More than one attribute matching doesn't work

    3) namespaces are not supported (AFAICS)

    4) It exhausted my memory (a 5 MB File hit the 16 MB memlimit, which XPath/PHP5 didn't)

    The idea is nice and I certainly see a use for this package, but I think the name is missleading, since it promises too much
  • Olivier Guilyardi  [2004-10-04 11:05 UTC]

    This is alpha software, please don't expect it to be bugfree or feature-rich.

    1) For now, XPath support is limited. The current implementation tries to address the common situations where one want to extract a few nodes from a big XML file.

    you wrote :
    > the get the title of the 2nd entry of my test file, I have to write
    > /planet/entry/title[2]
    > while it should be
    > /planet/entry[2]/title

    This may be a bug. Please mail me some reproduce code, along with an XML data example.

    2) About multiple attributes support : this will come. You're asking for a
  • Olivier Guilyardi  [2004-10-04 11:11 UTC]

    2) About multiple attributes support : this will come. You're asking for a new feature, and I'll take that in account.

    3) Namespacing support is a tricky question I'm currently trying to address.

    4) The Expat Parser on PHP5 is buggy (see My code implements a workaround, but this is quite heavy.

    On PHP4, you should be able to parse 1Gb files with a 16mb limit.