Top Level :: Web Services

Package Information: Services_Technorati

» Summary » License
A class for interacting with the Technorati API PHP License
» Current Release » Bug Summary
0.7.1beta (beta) was released on 2007-04-09 by jystewart (Changelog)
Easy Install

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pear install Services_Technorati

Pyrus Install

Try PEAR2's installer, Pyrus.

php pyrus.phar install pear/Services_Technorati

Development Roadmap (next release: 1.0 in -6366 days!!, 0% complete)
No open bugs
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» Description
Services_Technorati is a wrapper for the REST-based Technorati webservices API. Technorati is a blog search engine that provides a number of interfaces for interacting with recent blog entries, such as searching for entries that link to a certain URL, are linked from a certain URL, or have been given certain tags.

Services_Technorati provides an interface to all of the query types in Technorati API version 1.0, and supports filesystem caching of query data using Cache_Lite compatible cache objects.

As of version 0.7.0 this package is PHP5 only, and requires simplexml.
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Dependencies for Services_Technorati