
QA core group access rights:

  1. Max 7 core members that get the core-QA-karma

  2. The core QA team will get more permission to fix issues and make release of packages if reported problems are not fixed in a specific time frame

  3. The core QA team assumes lead over orphaned packages

  4. The core QA team gets the rights to delete releases of packages if it determines that the release has severe issues

  5. The QA team is allowed to add QA related notes to package homepages

  6. QA team needs to approve an first stable release for a given major version number (done by votes)

  7. The entire QA team will identify QA problems, will help writing QA related documents, will help people resolve their QA problems and such things

  8. More focus is needed on writing QA related things in the manual and make then more visible

  9. Make a little QA corner at so QA is more visible for people and package devs are more aware of the QA team and how it works.

  10. Keep track of what QA does regarding packages that QA doesn't have permission to edit through a wiki of some sort

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Last updated: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 — Download Documentation
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