Contact process

A QA core-team member tries to contact the current maintainers and developers (cc'ing the QA list) asking about an update about their work on the package.

A package lead answers::

  • He states that he has no interest in the package anymore, he allows QA team to take the necessary steps

  • He states that he still intends to work on the package, but is busy at that point. Either a timeframe will then be decided upon by the lead and QA during which some activity must occur (i.e. I'm going to be busy the rest of this month but I'll get back to it on the 3rd of next month) OR a second lead developer will be sought to continue development

If no answer reaches the list in two weeks QA will consider the package orphaned. If the lead doesn't have the time he should write a mail to the list stating he needs more time to sort things out.

What can be considered an orphaned package? (Previous) Finding a new lead (Next)
Last updated: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 — Download Documentation
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