mixed $file
= false
, bool $max
= false
Returns the latest parse data source version, minimum and/or maximum
(optional) A specific filename or not (FALSE)
(optional) Level with or without contextual data
returns Null on error or if there were no previous data parsing
throws no exceptions thrown
since version 1.9.0b1 (2008-11-30)
This function can not be called statically.
Suppose we have to parse source code like this file, named "conditional.php" :
// PHP 4.0.0 : __FILE__
// PHP 4.0.7 : version compare
// PHP 4.3.0 : ob_get_clean
// PHP 4.3.0 : debug_backtrace
// PHP 4.3.10 and 5.0.2 : PHP_EOL
// PHP 5.0.0 : simplexml_load_file
// PHP 5.1.1 : DATE_W3C
if (!defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) {
strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? '\\' : '/'
if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
} else {
$backtrace = false;
if (function_exists('simplexml_load_file')) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file('C:\php\pear\PHP_CompatInfo\scripts\version.xml');
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) {
include_once 'PHP/Compat.php';
echo "Hello World" . PHP_EOL;
$fn = dirname(__FILE__) . $ds . basename(__FILE__);
echo "You have run file : $fn at " . date(DATE_W3C) . PHP_EOL;
And this second file, named "upload_error.php" :
$uploadErrors = array(
UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.",
UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.",
UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "No file was uploaded.",
UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => "Missing a temporary folder.",
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => "Failed to write file to disk.",
UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "File upload stopped by extension.",
$errorCode = $_FILES["myUpload"]["error"];
if ($errorCode !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
if (isset($uploadErrors[$errorCode])) {
throw new Exception($uploadErrors[$errorCode]);
} else {
throw new Exception("Unknown error uploading file.");
Script to parse data source, will look like to:
require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php';
$pci = new PHP_CompatInfo('null');
$dir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$input = array($dir . 'conditional.php', $dir . 'upload_error.php');
$options = array('ignore_functions' => array('simplexml_load_file'),
'ignore_constants' => array('DATE_W3C')
$pci->parseData($input, $options);
$version = $pci->getVersion();
echo 'GLOBAL version = '. $version . PHP_EOL;
$version = $pci->getVersion($input[0]);
echo basename($input[0]) . ' version = '. $version . PHP_EOL;
$classes = $pci->getClasses();
echo 'ALL Classes = '. implode(',', $classes) . PHP_EOL;
$functions = $pci->getFunctions();
echo 'ALL Functions = '. implode(',', $functions) . PHP_EOL;
$extensions = $pci->getExtensions();
echo 'ALL Extensions required = '. implode(',', $extensions) . PHP_EOL;
$constants = $pci->getConstants();
echo 'ALL Constants required = '. implode(',', $constants) . PHP_EOL;
$tokens = $pci->getTokens();
echo 'ALL Tokens required = '. implode(',', $tokens) . PHP_EOL;
$conditions = $pci->getConditions(false, true);
echo 'ALL Code Conditions = '. $conditions . PHP_EOL;
$conditions = $pci->getConditions($input[1], true);
echo basename($input[1]) . ' conditions = '. $conditions . PHP_EOL;
We have just used the NULL renderer because we want to organize output results, as below:
GLOBAL version = 5.2.0 conditional.php version = 4.3.10 ALL Classes = Exception ALL Functions = basename,date,debug_backtrace,define,defined,dirname,function_exists, phpversion,simplexml_load_file,strtoupper,substr,version_compare ALL Extensions required = date ALL Constants required = DATE_W3C,DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,FALSE,PHP_EOL,PHP_OS, UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE,UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION,UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE,UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE,UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR,UPLOAD_ERR_OK,UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL,__FILE__ ALL Tokens required = throw ALL Code Conditions = 5 upload_error.php conditions = 0