mixed|PEAR_Error HTML_CSS::createGroup (
string $selectors
, mixed $group
= null
Create a new CSS definition group. Return an integer identifying the group.
Selector(s) to be defined, comma delimited.
(optional) Group identifier. If not passed, will return an automatically assigned integer.
since version 0.3.0 (2003-11-03)
This function can not be called statically.
require_once 'HTML/CSS.php';
$css = new HTML_CSS();
// define styles
$css->setStyle('p', 'text-align', 'center');
$css->setStyle('p', 'color', '#ffffff');
$css->setStyle('p', 'text-align', 'left');
$css->setStyle('p', 'font', '16pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif');
$css->setStyle('p', 'font', '12pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif');
// create a selectors group
$groupID = 'myGroup';
$groupID = $css->createGroup('p, a', $groupID);
// define styles of this new group
$css->setGroupStyle($groupID, 'font', '12pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif');
// display result
echo $css->toString();
// will output:
p, a {
font: 12pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
p {
text-align: left;
color: #ffffff;
font: 12pt helvetica, arial, sans-serif;