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Bug #19482 not escaped slashes in pear path
Submitted: 2012-06-25 14:39 UTC
From: someone_01 Assigned: cweiske
Status: Closed Package: PEAR (version 1.9.4)
PHP Version: 5.4.4 OS: Windows 2003
Roadmaps: 1.9.5    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 28 - 14 = ?

 [2012-06-25 14:39 UTC] someone_01 (Henze Berkheij)
Description: ------------ if ('C:\PHP\pear\' != '@'.'include_path'.'@') { ini_set('include_path', 'C:\PHP\pear\'); $raw = false; } else { // this is a raw, uninstalled pear, either a cvs checkout, or php distro $raw = true; } Test script: --------------- just install pear (well, downloaded the phar from your site since php does not include pear anymore) and run pear version. Expected result: ---------------- the version of pear Actual result: -------------- there is a parsing error on line 28 in pearcmd.php, found an unexpected @ sign. fixable by escaping the slashes in the includepath (C:\php\pear\ to C:\\php\\pear\\)


 [2014-05-30 00:52 UTC] cweiske (Christian Weiske)
-Roadmap Versions: +Roadmap Versions: 1.9.5
 [2014-05-30 15:34 UTC] avb (Alexey Borzov)
The fix for the parse error should be trivial, just a space after @include_path@ placeholder
 [2014-06-03 03:18 UTC] cweiske (Christian Weiske)
-Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: cweiske
Fixed in git stable branch for version 1.9.5. @avb - good idea with the space. Also had to fix peclcmd.php as well.