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Bug #17091 result_buffering is working only with multi_query (?)
Submitted: 2010-02-12 18:56 UTC
From: alec Assigned:
Status: Open Package: MDB2_Driver_mysqli (version CVS)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2010-02-12 18:56 UTC] alec (Aleksander Machniak)
Description: ------------ I'm not sure about this but something's wrong in these code snippet from _doQuery() if ($this->options['multi_query']) { $result = mysqli_multi_query($connection, $query); } else { $resultmode = $this->options['result_buffering'] ? MYSQLI_USE_RESULT : MYSQLI_USE_RESULT; $result = mysqli_query($connection, $query); } if ($this->options['multi_query']) { if ($this->options['result_buffering']) { if (!($result = @mysqli_store_result($connection))) { $err =& $this->raiseError(null, null, null, 'Could not get the first result from a multi query', __FUNCTION__); return $err; } } elseif (!($result = @mysqli_use_result($connection))) { $err =& $this->raiseError(null, null, null, 'Could not get the first result from a multi query', __FUNCTION__); return $err; } }
