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Bug #5382 Radios not filled with default Value
Submitted: 2005-09-13 12:34 UTC
From: arne dot bippes at brandao dot de Assigned: wiesemann
Status: Closed Package: DB_Table
PHP Version: 4.3.4 OS: Linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 28 + 3 = ?

 [2005-09-13 12:34 UTC] arne dot bippes at brandao dot de
Description: ------------ This refers to BUG #4935. Same Script, (naming is now working) but now I fetch the table to fill in the default values for the form. This is working as expected with input fields but not with radio-buttons. Filling the form manually with: $form->setDefaults(array('bdocore_groups[is_active]'=>'Y')); is working. Test script: --------------- $form =& $object_table->getForm( $cols , 'table_name' , array('trackSubmit' => true, 'action' => $action )); i.e. $cols contains the following: ( [group_id] => 23 [group_type] => 0 [group_define_name] => Mein zweiter TEst [owner_user_id] => 0 [owner_group_id] => 0 [is_active] => Y ) is_active is defined the following: 'is_active' => array( 'type' => 'char', 'size' => 1, 'require' => true, 'qf_label' => 'Freigeschaltet', 'qf_type' => 'radio', 'qf_vals' => array('Y' => 'Ja' ,'N' => 'Nein'), ), Expected result: ---------------- <input value="Y" id="qf_76e751" name="bdocore_groups[is_active]" checked="checked" type="radio"><label for="qf_76e751">Ja<br></label> <input value="N" id="qf_49122a" name="bdocore_groups[is_active]" type="radio"><label for="qf_49122a">Nein<br></label> Actual result: -------------- <input value="Y" id="qf_76e751" name="bdocore_groups[is_active]" type="radio"><label for="qf_76e751">Ja<br></label> <input value="N" id="qf_49122a" name="bdocore_groups[is_active]" type="radio"><label for="qf_49122a">Nein<br></label>


 [2005-09-13 12:37 UTC] arne dot bippes at brandao dot de
DB_Table Version 1.2.0 Release Date 2005-08-29 Release State stable
 [2005-09-13 14:54 UTC] wiesemann
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been fixed in the latest released version of the package, which you can download at