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Request #20318 Would you consider changing the license to another BSD style license?
Submitted: 2014-06-26 19:38 UTC
From: midget Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Cache (version 1.5.6)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Debian GNU/Linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 36 + 22 = ?

 [2014-06-26 19:38 UTC] midget (Dario Minnucci)
Description: ------------ Hi Team, This software is part of the Debian archive and will be removed from official repositories due to licensing issues (please, see below). Would you consider changing the license to another BSD style license? For reference see: * * * Extracted from: License PHP: --------------- You have a PHP add-on package (any php script/"app"/thing, not PHP itself) and it's licensed only under the standard PHP license. That license, up to the 3.x which is actually out, is not really usable for anything else than PHP itself. I've mailed our -legal list about that and got only one response, which basically supported my view on this. Basically this license talks only about PHP, the PHP Group, and includes Zend Engine, so its not applicable to anything else. And even worse, older versions include the nice ad-clause. One good solution here is to suggest a license change to your upstream, as they clearly wanted a free one. LGPL or BSD seems to be what they want. Thanks in advance.


 [2014-10-25 03:23 UTC] midget (Dario Minnucci)
Hi Team, Debian FTP Masters seems to have a final decision about packages related to 'PHP License' [0] in Debian repositories. "PHP License (any version) is suitable only for software that comes directly from 'PHP Group', that basically means only PHP (src:php5) itself." Debian gives several options [1]... here are: 1. Ask upstream to re-license the software to different free license - BSD or MIT/Expat is the closest one. 2. Show that the software in question does come from "PHP Group", f.e. software based on src:php5 sources. Most notable example is src:php-json which is copy of ext/json/ adapted to libjson-c-dev instead of the included JSON-IS-EVIL library. 3. We remove the source packages from Debian. So, hereby I'm asking again for a re-licensing under BSD|MIT|whatever compatible with GPL if it's possible before the software is permanently removed from Debian. Thanks in advance. [0] [1]
 [2014-10-26 19:56 UTC] midget (Dario Minnucci)
Hi Team, Please, if you relicense the package and tag a new version I'll be glad to upload it ASAP to the Debian repository. Thanks in advance.
 [2014-11-10 10:57 UTC] midget (Dario Minnucci)
Hi Team, I regret to inform you that Debian freeze started at 23:59 UTC on the 5th of November 2014 [0] and this package was considered not situable for release and will not be included in the next release (Debian 8.0/jessie). I guess there is still a chance to get the package included if we fix this bug and an 'unblock' petition is accepted by the Release Team, so if there is any possibility to get this issue solved, please let me know ASAP. Thanks in advance. [0]