Starts rendering a group, called before processing grouped elements
Class Details
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Proxy class for HTML_QuickForm2 renderers and their plugins
This class serves two purposes:
Aggregates renderer and its plugins. From user's point of view
renderer plugins simply add new methods to renderer instances.
Restricts access to renderer properties and methods. Those are defined
as 'public' to allow easy access from plugins, but only methods
with names explicitly returned by Renderer::exportMethods() are
available to the outside world.
Checks whether a method is available in this object
A method is considered available if this class has such a public method, if a proxied renderer publishes such a method, if some plugin has such a public method.
Updates the list of plugins for the current renderer instance
This method checks whether any new plugin classes were registered since its previous invocation and adds instances of these classes to the list. Plugins' methods are imported and can be later called as this object's own.
Throws: HTML_QuickForm2_InvalidArgumentException if a plugin has already imported name