addElement [line 259]
Appends an element to the container (possibly creating it first)
If the first parameter is an instance of HTML_QuickForm2_Node then all other parameters are ignored and the method just calls appendChild(). In the other case the element is first created via HTML_QuickForm2_Factory::createElement() and then added via the same method. This is a convenience method to reduce typing and ease porting from HTML_QuickForm.
appendChild [line 229]
arrayMerge [line 196]
array arrayMerge(
$a, array
Merges two arrays
Merges two arrays like the PHP function array_merge_recursive does, the difference being that existing integer keys will not be renumbered.
count [line 399]
Returns the number of elements in the container
getChildValues [line 116]
getElementById [line 310]
Returns an element if its id is found
getElements [line 213]
Returns an array of this container's elements
getElementsByName [line 327]
array getElementsByName(
Returns an array of elements which name corresponds to element
getIterator [line 375]
Returns a recursive iterator for the container elements
getJavascriptTriggers [line 519]
getJavascriptValue [line 508]
string getJavascriptValue(
$inContainer = false])
Returns Javascript code for getting the element's value
HTML_QuickForm2_Node::getJavascriptValue() (Returns Javascript code for getting the element's value)
getRawValue [line 165]
array|null getRawValue(
Returns the container's value without filters applied
The default implementation for Containers is to return an array with contained elements' values. The array is indexed the same way $_GET and $_POST arrays would be for these elements.
HTML_QuickForm2_Node::getRawValue() (Returns the element's value without filters applied)
getRecursiveIterator [line 387]
RecursiveIteratorIterator getRecursiveIterator(
$mode = RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST])
Returns a recursive iterator iterator for the container elements
getValue [line 179]
Returns the container's value, possibly with filters applied
The default implementation for Containers is to return an array with contained elements' values. The array is indexed the same way $_GET and $_POST arrays would be for these elements.
HTML_QuickForm2_Node::getValue() (Returns the element's value, possibly with filters applied)
insertBefore [line 348]
persistentFreeze [line 89]
prependsName [line 104]
removeChild [line 279]
render [line 480]
setName [line 73]
toggleFrozen [line 79]
updateValue [line 410]
validate [line 425]
__call [line 459]
Appends an element to the container, creating it first
The element will be created via HTML_QuickForm2_Factory::createElement() and then added via the appendChild() method. The element type is deduced from the method name. This is a convenience method to reduce typing.
__toString [line 491]