Vote Details for "URI_Template" by mcorne

» Details
  • Voter: Michel Corne 
  • Vote: +1 (not conditional)
  • Reviews: Cursory source review, Run examples
» Comment
Sounds good.
Did not have a chance to comment during the proposal phase. Will do it now.
This is just a few QA related comments:

- Tests run fine though I had to change *require_once "URI/Template.php"* to *require_once "File/Template.php"* to get it to run; no big deal anyway!

- The package is registered in the Networking category but installs in File, which I guess is a no brainer if it is to remain in File; disregard the comment then :-)

- Shouldn't the class be renamed File_UriTemplate and the file UriTemplate.php or something like that to reflect the directory structure? Or more accurately File_UriTemplateParser and UriTemplateParser.php which is really what it is as you call it ourself?

- The file and class doc blocks are missing tags

- Some function (though protected) are missing documentation.