David Coallier [2008-01-06 19:59 UTC] This is simple and useful. Despite that you are not following the CS just yet. Good thing there are tests already.
Philippe Jausions [2008-01-07 17:33 UTC] - Why simply not use preg_replace_callback() instead of preg_split() / rebuilding the string?
- The declaration of $this->template is missing
- Protected methods need their docblocks
- " { " goes on the following line in the function <method> () declarations
- Use single quotes ' instead of " around static strings
- Break long lines
Martin Jansen [2008-01-07 21:53 UTC] > - Why simply not use preg_replace_callback() instead of preg_split() / rebuilding the string?
I promise to look into this.
> - The declaration of $this->template is missing
> - Protected methods need their docblocks
Actually I decided to make the protected methods without docblocks private, but added documentation anyway.
> - " { " goes on the following line in the function <method> () declarations
> - Use single quotes ' instead of " around static strings
I still don't get why people like this ;-), but have changed it because there seems to be a general consensus in PEAR that this is the way to go.
> - Break long lines
Martin Jansen [2008-01-07 22:10 UTC] I changed the version in SVN to use preg_replace_callback(). Thanks for the suggestion, Philippe!
Chuck Burgess [2008-01-09 22:23 UTC] Looks good to me, CS stuff notwithstanding :)