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I think this is a very useful package, I can see myself using it pretty soon. :) Thanks for proposing it and putting so much work into it. Here are some suggestions: * Some of the conditionals (if/else) could be improved/simplyfied. * DOM creation should be checked (imho). * DOM should be added to the required extensions (in package.xml). * Loading HTTP_Request should be double checked too, with just an include_once it will fail silently and make the code fatal later on. (* Is HTTP_Request really just optional?) * I'd suggest that you use single quotes instead of double quotes where possible. * There is an empty catch{} block in File_Sitemap_Index::add(), is that on purpose? * You could make use of the @package_version@ which is defined in package.xml. * zlib should be added to the required extensions (in package.xml). * Please move all global constants (defined in Sitemap/Exception.php) into class constants. * I'd replace is_null() with !== null, it's less expensive, since it saves a function call. * cfArray in Sitemap::parseChangefreq() could be a static |