David Jean Louis [2008-10-27 11:34 UTC] Hello Arnaud,
This looks very, very interesting... I didn't look at the code very much but I can see many useful usages for this package, good idea.
Just a note: maybe the runner could make use of the brand new System::Daemon package ? (just not to duplicate code...).
Arnaud Le Blanc [2008-10-27 12:10 UTC] Hello David,
System_Daemon seems to be mainly useful for daemons written in PHP, while Net_FastCGI_Runner is used for spawning external fastcgi applications (like php-cgi itself). All the Runner class does compared to a simple exec() is to pass a socket as application's stdin.
However, System_Daemon can be used in conjunction with Net_FastCGI :)
Till Klampaeckel [2008-10-27 12:15 UTC] Hello,
two questions:
1) Can you put the source online? Browsable would be nice. :-)
2) What exactly is a FastCGI application and can you explain more in detail what your package does? I'm not really familiar with it and have no idea what this package does.
Arnaud Le Blanc [2008-10-27 13:29 UTC] Hello,
The sources are available here: http://arnaud.lb.s3.amazonaws.com/Net_FastCGI.tgz
FastCGI is a protocol commonly used as an interface between an HTTP server and a web application, designed to be faster than CGI. See http://www.fastcgi.com/ for more details.
My Net_FastCGI package proposal is a client for such applications, you can send requests to a FastCGI application and read/parse responses from the application.