Packages :: File System (6)

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Common file and directory routines

Status: 1.4.1 (stable) released on 2012-04-06
License: PHP
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: 6

A Class the facilitates the search of filesystems

Status: 1.3.3 (stable) released on 2014-03-09
License: PHP
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: 2

PHP interface to MogileFS

Status: 0.2.0 (alpha) released on 2010-01-30
License: New BSD License
Maintained: Yes
Open Bugs: none

Performs search and replace routines

Status: 1.1.4 (stable) released on 2010-10-25
License: BSD
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: 3

Common file and directory utility functions

Status: 1.0.0 (stable) released on 2011-03-18
License: PHP
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: 1

Virtual File System API

Status: 0.3.0 (beta) released on 2009-10-15
License: LGPL
Maintained: No
Open Bugs: none

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