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File: proxy_usage_inline_javascript.php

Source Location: /HTML_AJAX-0.5.7/examples/proxy_usage_inline_javascript.php


Page Details:

Example of Using HTML_AJAX in proxy operation

All AJAX calls are handled by this same file and the proxy js is outputed in a js block directly in this script This is a use case very similar to Sajax (Sajax registers functions not objects)

The only needed interaction is creation of a new object from the proxy defintion, all AJAX calls happen transparently from

If you want to perform async calls a callback object must be passed to the constructor of the object

The client JavaScript library is provided by server.php, you could also copy HTML_AJAX.js (all js files combined) or the seperate js files into your webroot from the PEAR data dir and src them directly

This example also registers a custom error handler, without this handler errors float out of the app as an Exception

An example debugging event listener is also shown


include('HTML/AJAX.php') [line 29]
Example of Using HTML_AJAX in proxy operation

All AJAX calls are handled by this same file and the proxy js is outputed in a js block directly in this script This is a use case very similar to Sajax (Sajax registers functions not objects)

The only needed interaction is creation of a new object from the proxy defintion, all AJAX calls happen transparently from

If you want to perform async calls a callback object must be passed to the constructor of the object

The client JavaScript library is provided by server.php, you could also copy HTML_AJAX.js (all js files combined) or the seperate js files into your webroot from the PEAR data dir and src them directly

This example also registers a custom error handler, without this handler errors float out of the app as an Exception

An example debugging event listener is also shown

include('support/test.class.php') [line 32]

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