Class: HTML_AJAX_Server
Source Location: /HTML_AJAX-0.5.7/AJAX/Server.php
Class for creating an external AJAX server
- Release: @package_version@
Child classes:
Inherited Variables
Inherited Methods
Class Details
Class Variables
$ajax =
[line 53]
HTML_AJAX instance
$cacheOptions = array(
'httpCacheClient' => true,
'ClientCacheRule' => 'file',
'ClientCacheExpects' => 'files',
'httpCacheStub' => true,
'StubCacheRule' => 'api',
'StubCacheExpects' => 'classes',
[line 88]
An array of options that tell the server howto Cache output The rules are functions that make etag hash used to see if the client needs to download updated content If you extend this class you can make your own rule function the naming convention is _cacheRule{RuleName} array(
'httpCacheClient' => true, // send 304 headers for responses to ?client=* requests
'ClientCacheRule' => 'File', // create a hash from file names and modified times, options: file|content
'ClientCacheExpects'=> 'files', // what type of content to send to the hash function, options: files|classes|content
'httpCacheStub' => true, // send 304 headers for responses to ?stub=* requests
'StubCacheRule' => 'Api', // create a hash from the exposed api, options: api|content
'StubCacheExpects'=> 'classes', // what type of content to send to the hash function, options: files|classes|content
$clientJsLocation = false
[line 66]
Location on filesystem of client javascript library
$compression = array(
'enabled' => false,
'type' => 'gzip'
[line 110]
Compression Options array(
'enabled' => false, // enable compression
'type' => 'gzip' // the type of compression to do, options: gzip
$initMethods = false
[line 60]
Set to true if your extending the server to add init{className methods}
$javascriptLibraries = array(
'all' => 'HTML_AJAX.js',
'html_ajax' => 'HTML_AJAX.js',
'html_ajax_lite'=> 'HTML_AJAX_lite.js',
'json' => 'serializer/JSON.js',
'request' => 'Request.js',
'main' => array('Compat.js','Main.js','clientPool.js'),'httpclient'=>'HttpClient.js','dispatcher'=>'Dispatcher.js','util'=>'util.js','loading'=>'Loading.js','phpserializer'=>'serializer/phpSerializer.js','urlserializer'=>'serializer/UrlSerializer.js','haserializer'=>'serializer/haSerializer.js','clientpool'=>'clientPool.js','iframe'=>'IframeXHR.js','alias'=>'Alias.js','queues'=>'Queue.js','behavior'=>array('behavior/behavior.js','behavior/cssQuery-p.js'),// rules to help you use a minimal library set
'standard'=>array('Compat.js','clientPool.js','util.js','Main.js','HttpClient.js','Request.js','serializer/JSON.js','Loading.js','serializer/UrlSerializer.js','Alias.js','behavior/behavior.js','behavior/cssQuery-p.js'),'jsonrpc'=>array('Compat.js','util.js','Main.js','clientPool.js','HttpClient.js','Request.js','serializer/JSON.js'),'proxyobjects'=>array('Compat.js','util.js','Main.js','clientPool.js','Request.js','serializer/JSON.js','Dispatcher.js'),// BC rules
[line 123]
Javascript library names and there path the return of $this->clientJsLocation(), is prepended before running readfile on them
$javascriptLibraryPaths = array()
[line 161]
Custom paths to use for javascript libraries, if not set clientJsLocation is used to find the system path
$options = true
[line 47]
Client options array if set to true the code looks at _GET
$_initLookup = array()
[line 168]
Array of className => init methods to call, generated from constructor from initClassName methods
Method Detail
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