Package Statistics

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» Statistics for Package "HTML_QuickForm"

General Statistics
Number of releases: 35
Total downloads: 1,539,704

Release Statistics
Version Downloads Released Last Download
3.2.16 72,355 2018-07-20 2024-07-26 23:34 UTC
3.2.15 2,039 2018-07-19 2023-11-15 19:57 UTC
3.2.14 139,966 2014-11-20 2024-07-26 09:13 UTC
3.2.13 516,028 2011-10-01 2024-07-23 20:50 UTC
3.2.12 80,491 2010-10-17 2024-06-28 14:18 UTC
3.2.11 192,261 2009-04-08 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.10 104,182 2007-10-05 2023-11-29 10:00 UTC
3.2.9 27,908 2007-06-05 2024-03-21 16:36 UTC
3.2.8 2,799 2007-06-03 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.7 52,972 2006-10-10 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.6 35,298 2006-06-22 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.5 90,959 2005-08-05 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.4pl1 77,531 2004-10-20 2024-07-15 12:21 UTC
3.2.4 4,633 2004-10-18 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.3 24,696 2004-06-28 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2.2 21,693 2004-03-22 2024-07-09 11:25 UTC
3.2.1 16,220 2004-01-03 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.2 9,366 2003-11-05 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.1.1 9,442 2003-09-09 2024-05-29 09:13 UTC
3.1 6,945 2003-07-19 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.0 5,451 2003-06-04 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.0RC1 3,156 2003-05-28 2024-03-20 05:03 UTC
3.0Beta2 3,085 2003-05-14 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
3.0Beta1 3,588 2003-04-17 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.10 4,703 2003-03-08 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.9 3,262 2003-02-20 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.8 2,642 2003-02-18 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.7 2,816 2003-02-12 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.6 3,216 2003-01-29 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.5 4,182 2002-11-20 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.4 3,309 2002-10-21 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.3 4,504 2002-06-19 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.2 2,742 2002-05-29 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.1 2,559 2002-05-24 2023-10-12 16:14 UTC
2.0 2,705 2002-05-15 2024-03-25 15:33 UTC

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