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Bug #4740 Bug after updating to 1.4.0
Submitted: 2005-07-04 19:26 UTC
From: php at adaniels dot nl Assigned:
Status: Bogus Package: PEAR
PHP Version: 5.0.4 OS: Windows
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2005-07-04 19:26 UTC] php at adaniels dot nl
Description: ------------ Upon updating to PEAR 1.4.0, I got an error. Now I am not able to update or install any package (which sucks) Reproduce code: --------------- pear upgrade pear-alpha Actual result: -------------- H:\Program Files\Zend\ZendStudioClient-4.0.1\bin\php5\PEAR>pear upgrade pear-alpha downloading PEAR-1.4.0a12.tgz ... Starting to download PEAR-1.4.0a12.tgz (264,326 bytes) ......................................................done: 264,326 bytes Optional dependencies: package `Net_FTP' version >= 1.3.0RC1 is recommended to utilize some features. package `PEAR_Frontend_Web' version >= 0.5.0 is recommended to utilize some features. package `PEAR_Frontend_Gtk' version >= 0.4.0 is recommended to utilize some features. upgrade ok: PEAR 1.4.0a12p wordt niet herkend als een interne of externe opdracht, programma of batchbestand. Fatal error: Class 'PEAR_Command_Auth-init' not found in H:\Program Files\Zend\ZendStudioClient-4.0.1\bin\php5\PEAR\pear\PEAR\Command.php on line 271


 [2005-07-11 17:59 UTC] joe at joestump dot net
I'm getting the same error on Debian GNU/Linux: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: pear_command_auth-init in /usr/share/php/PEAR/Command.php on line 271
 [2005-07-11 18:06 UTC] joe at joestump dot net
I've found and fixed the problem. In the PEAR/Command directory there are files like "Auth-init.php" that should not be automatically included by Command::registerCommands (). The fix for me was to alter line 263 to look like this: if ($entry{0} == '.' || substr($entry, -4) != '.php' || $entry == 'Common.php' || (strpos($entry,'-') !== false)) { Notice the strpos() call. If the file has a dash in it then don't try loading it. I can only assume Auth and the other classes include their init files on their own.
 [2005-07-20 22:22 UTC] cellog
Your PEAR/Command.php is not from PEAR 1.4.0a*, it is from PEAR 1.3.5. Something went wrong in the installation/upgrade that had nothing to do with PEAR.
 [2005-07-26 16:15 UTC] pmjones at mac dot com
I just ran into this problem today after upgrading to Mac OS X 10.4.2. I had installed Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.0.4 ( package and aliased the Mac PHP binaries to the Entropy PHP binaries; the install apparently hosed the aliases, including the "pear" alias. Not sure how to proceed, will probably require an uninstall-and-reinstall of the entropy package to get clean versions, then have to re-map the aliases. :-(
 [2005-08-09 11:05 UTC] eamon dot costello at gmail dot com
Hi cellog, I had this problem too. I checked the version of the Command.php file in the PEAR 1.4.0a12 tar I downloaded and it seems to be v 1.32: @version CVS: $Id: Command.php,v 1.32 2005/03/24 05:04:47 cellog Exp $ - Eamon
 [2005-10-25 11:12 UTC] j at firebright dot com
The || absolutely fixed this problem for me on CentOS 4. Eeexcellent smithers. Thank you for your efforts.
 [2005-11-02 09:52 UTC] d dot schoone at d-media dot nl
the fix with de Command.php works for me also after apt-get upgrade of php4-pear on Debian
 [2005-11-17 18:10 UTC] whiteside at acm dot org
I similarly needed to blast everything to resolve this issue. In the end I followed these steps on Redhat Fedora Core 4 rpm -e --nodeps php-pear (to remove the files) rm -R /usr/share/pear/* (deleted all stragglers, of which there were many) yum install php-pear (reinstall) and a subsequent 'pear update-all' worked fine