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Bug #2502 Missing "else"
Submitted: 2004-10-11 15:53 UTC
From: as at mindcom dot de Assigned:
Status: Suspended Package: HTML_Template_Xipe
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Irrelevant
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 37 + 46 = ?

 [2004-10-11 15:53 UTC] as at mindcom dot de
Description: ------------ Main.php: function _getCompiledFilePrefix() missing "else": if( strpos( $this->getOption('compileDir'), $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] )!==0 ) { ... } else <- this is missing :) { $compileDir = $this->getOption('compileDir'); }


 [2004-10-16 22:45 UTC] tobias dot eberle at gmx dot de
This does not fix the bug. The mistake is part of the if clause: !== should be ===: correct code (line 306ff): if( strpos( $this->getOption('compileDir') , $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] )===0 ) { $compileDir = preg_replace('/^\//' , '' , $this->getOption('compileDir') ); // strip of a leading '/' to be sure not to have 2 slashes there :-) $this->setOption( 'compileDir' , $this->getOption('templateDir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$compileDir); }
 [2006-04-24 21:21 UTC] arnaud (Arnaud Limbourg)
Package unmaintained. Bug suspended