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Request #16832 Implement the policy language for queues
Submitted: 2009-11-24 21:11 UTC
From: gauthierm Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Services_Amazon_SQS (version CVS)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Irrelevant
Roadmaps: 0.4.0 beta    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 40 - 15 = ?

 [2009-11-24 21:11 UTC] gauthierm (Michael Gauthier)
Description: ------------ See Request #16085 See features.html SVN contains the following (fully tested): - Queue::addPermission() - Queue::removePermission() - Queue::changeMessageVisibility() - Support for getting and setting new attributes EXCEPT for policy. The remaining API left to implement is the new policy language.


 [2009-11-24 21:11 UTC] gauthierm (Michael Gauthier)
-Roadmap Versions: +Roadmap Versions: 0.4.0 beta