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Bug #1505 numMsg() always returns PEAR_error
Submitted: 2004-05-26 10:24 UTC
From: d-sano at cybozu dot co dot jp Assigned: damian
Status: Closed Package: Net_POP3
PHP Version: 4.3.6 OS: Windows XP
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 36 - 27 = ?

 [2004-05-26 10:24 UTC] d-sano at cybozu dot co dot jp
Description: ------------ The numMsg() function always returns PEAR_error regardless of successfully login when AUTH LOGIN used. The version number is 1.3.1. Maybe a line has need to be read after the 'AUTH LOGIN' command in the _authLogin() function. function _authLOGIN($user, $pass ) { $this->_send('AUTH LOGIN'); /****here****/ if ( PEAR::isError( $challenge = $this->_recvLn() ) ) { return $challenge; } /************/ if ( PEAR::isError( $ret = $this->_send(sprintf('"%s"', base64_encode($user))) ) ) { return $ret; } ...


 [2004-05-26 10:28 UTC] d-sano at cybozu dot co dot jp
Net_Dict -> Net_POP3
 [2004-06-26 16:06 UTC] damian
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been fixed in the latest released version of the package, which you can download at Version 1.3.2 fixes this bug