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Request #13493 customize CLI data output
Submitted: 2008-03-25 10:56 UTC
From: temp Assigned: farell
Status: Closed Package: PHP_CompatInfo (version 1.7.0b2)
PHP Version: 5.2.5 OS: Gentoo Linux
Roadmaps: 1.7.0    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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 [2008-03-25 10:56 UTC] temp (Stephan Wentz)
Description: ------------ Would be great if an --ignore-token command line switch would be implemented - I know that my code uses protected, public, private... it's PHP5 ;-) Another thing, would be great to ONLY get specific information - like extensions that are used. I'm using PCI to get a list of php-extensions that are used - but i'm getting far more info than requested (see the token above). Test script: --------------- - Expected result: ---------------- - Actual result: -------------- -


 [2008-03-25 12:21 UTC] farell (Laurent Laville)
Could you explain in which case, you need to ignore tokens. protected, public, private ... means that you need at least PHP5 for your scripts to run. If you ignore these tokens, the final result could be wrong PHP 4.x Please clarify your request Even on second point, I 've a doubt to understand what you want !
 [2008-03-25 13:13 UTC] temp (Stephan Wentz)
Ok, detailled explanation... I like the idea of PCI, and I'd like to use it for getting a list of php-extension that my code uses. In _my_ case, I'm not interested in wether my app is PHP4-compatible or not - I _know_ that it is NOT PHP4-compatible. Nevertheless - PCI can provice me the information I stated above (php-extensions), but, like I said, I'm not interested in other things. So I'd like to either - ONLY get the extension-information (3rd column, "Extensions"), or - provide a list of tokens that are ignored (like protected, public, private) because I don't need the information that these tokens are there. Because I already know that ;-) Hope this makes my request clearer... Bye, Stephan
 [2008-03-28 15:12 UTC] farell (Laurent Laville)
Ok Stephan, I'll add a feature like this. I'll explain now what I've in mind. CLI output is customizable with a new switch --output-level, where value : 1 -> give only Path/File + Version 2 -> give only Path/File + Version + Extension 3 -> give only Path/File + Version + Constants 4 -> give only Path/File + Version + Tokens 5 -> give only Path/File + Version + Constants + Tokens 6 -> give all info (the default) So to match your need, Stephan you'll have only to give --output-level 2 and have a console_table result like this +-----------------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | Path | Version | Extensions | +-----------------------------+---------+----------------------------+ | ...hp\pear\HTML_Progress2\* | 5.0.0 | session | | | | hash | | | | date | | | | pcre | | | | pecl_http | | | | ereg | | | | uploadprogress | | | | apc | | | | gd | +-----------------------------+---------+----------------------------+ ... +-----------------------------+---------+----------------------------+
 [2008-03-28 18:58 UTC] farell (Laurent Laville)
Will be available (very very soon) in next release 1.7.0b3 !