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Request #9120 Allow setting the browser session ID
Submitted: 2006-10-21 06:09 UTC
From: cellog Assigned: shin
Status: Assigned Package: Testing_Selenium (version 0.2.0)
PHP Version: 5.1.6 OS: n/a
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2006-10-21 06:09 UTC] cellog (Greg Beaver)
Description: ------------ ->start() should accept an optional parameter setting the browser ID. Code could look like: public function start($id = null) { if ($id !== null) { return $this->sessionId = $id; } $this->sessionId = $this->getString('getNewBrowserSession', array($this->browser, $this->browserUrl)); return $this->sessionId; } This way, we won't get a million browser windows opened if spreading tests across multiple PHP files.


 [2006-10-30 00:15 UTC] shin (Shin Ohno)
Thank you for the request. I think it is true. Launching many many browser with same session is not a good idea. I think I will put this next release 0.2.1.
 [2006-11-02 12:46 UTC] shin (Shin Ohno)
Hi, I'm working on this, and found a problem. When I replied to this request, I thought this request is right and try to fix it. If you don't call "stop" method, you can use the same session and window to open new URL. Calling "stop" method always close the browser. That mean, even the script had session id, "stop" method close the browser, and "start" method need to launch brawser anyway. So, if you would like to use same browser, not calling "stop" method is the way to do it. Well, am I loosing the point of this request? If I misunderstood this request, please point it out. Thanks