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Bug #4476 GetText !_native not works without gettext extension
Submitted: 2005-05-30 12:05 UTC
From: sergey at pushok dot com Assigned: quipo
Status: Closed Package: Translation2
PHP Version: 4.3.11 OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2005-05-30 12:05 UTC] sergey at pushok dot com
Description: ------------ Some time while ago I contribute some code to work with PO gettext files directly. I get latest version, where this fix included and found that without PHP gettext extension it not works. This is because the code below: foreach ((array) $this->_domains as $domain => $path) { bindtextdomain($domain, $path); } I.e. function bindtextdomain called even it is not needed and not exist (PHP gettext not installed). This code bellow fixes this: if ($this->_native) { foreach ((array) $this->_domains as $domain => $path) { bindtextdomain($domain, $path); } }


 [2005-05-31 18:19 UTC] quipo
This bug has been fixed in CVS. In case this was a documentation problem, the fix will show up at the end of next Sunday (CET) on In case this was a website problem, the change will show up on the website in short time. Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PEAR better.