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Request #4187 fieldLabels postfix/prefix
Submitted: 2005-04-20 14:40 UTC
From: papipo at gmail dot com Assigned:
Status: Open Package: DB_DataObject_FormBuilder
PHP Version: 4.3.11 OS: np
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2005-04-20 14:40 UTC] papipo at gmail dot com
Description: ------------ It could be interesting to use prefixes or postfixes for fieldLabels. For example, take a look at the code below. Reproduce code: --------------- var $fb_fieldLabels = array('name', 'price'); Expected result: ---------------- Instead of: <option>Ford mustang, 14508.45</option> we should be able to get: <option>Ford mustang, 14508.45 €</option>


 [2005-04-21 04:36 UTC] justinpatrin
Perhaps a formatting callback? For the full DO string (as returned by DB_DataObject_FormBuilder::getDataObjectString($do)): dataObjectFormatter($doString, &$do) For a DO field: dataObjectFieldFormatter($fieldString, $field, &$do)