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Request #3288 New Boolean issue.
Submitted: 2005-01-25 00:58 UTC
From: rolf at winmutt dot com Assigned:
Status: Open Package: DB_DataObject_FormBuilder
PHP Version: 5.0.3 OS: ANY
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2005-01-25 00:58 UTC] rolf at winmutt dot com
Description: ------------ Spoke with Justin about this : Re : Boolean I'll issue this as a bug if needed, if a bool is NOT NULL then only a selected status of the checkbox will pass validation. In reality, NULLable booleans should be yes/no radio button and NOT NULL should be a checkbox but not required. If neither Yes/No (T/F whatever) is not set then it is NULL. I use this for an "active" (BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE) field in most of my tables to preserve old records instead of deleting them.


 [2005-01-25 01:06 UTC] alan_k
Care to elaborate on this: What is the column definition you have, What does DataObjects generate as it's type What should DataObjects generate as it's type Regards Alan
 [2005-01-25 02:08 UTC] rolf at winmutt dot com
sry this is FormBuilder issues
 [2005-01-27 02:52 UTC] justinpatrin
I finally got back to this one and I'm still not sure what I want to do about it. It makes a little sense to me to make radio buttons for a boolean which can be null as no selection equates to null, but there are two problems. First, what are the radio button labels? yes/no? true/false? Second, and more important, how do you go *back* to null. AFAIK there's no way to de-select radio buttons.
 [2005-01-28 01:26 UTC] rolf at winmutt dot com
Yes No None radios buttons perhaps? SOME browsers let you uncheck a button after its checked. It is not a perfect fix, but the current setup is incorrect. What happens if its NOT NULL and the customer leaves it unchecked? The checkbox does not end up in _REQUEST, leaving the field NULL. I guess one way to fix this would be to leave the field as not null and interpret null or false as false.
 [2005-01-28 01:34 UTC] rolf at winmutt dot com
Perhaps advcheckbox would be a better start over the normal checkbox? 'advcheckbox' Class for an advanced checkbox type field, HTML_QuickForm_advcheckbox. Basically this fixes a problem that HTML has had where checkboxes can only pass a single value (the value of the checkbox when checked).
 [2005-01-28 01:36 UTC] justinpatrin
No, you're assuming too much. If you check the code in processForm, it makes sure that all boolean fields have a value. If there is nothing in the passed in array ($_REQUEST), then it sets the boolean to 0. foreach ($this->booleanFields as $boolField) { if (!isset($values[$boolField])) { $this->_do->$boolField = 0; } } foreach ($tableFields as $field => $type) { if ($type & DB_DATAOBJECT_BOOL && !isset($values[$field])) { $this->_do->$field = 0; } } Yes/No/None *might* be ok, but this is still not necessarily correct...what if you want True,False,N/A? I suppose we can make a config option for this...... Anyone else have comments on how NULLable boolean fields should work?
 [2005-03-31 00:48 UTC] justinpatrin
Reclassifying as a Feature/Change Request as FormBuilder really doesn't handle NULL values in any way shape or form. This needs to be though through more.