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Request #21053 Github repo doesn't notify Packagist of new tags
Submitted: 2016-04-12 18:11 UTC
From: tabacco Assigned:
Status: Open Package: Math_BigInteger (version Unknown)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: N/A
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2016-04-12 18:11 UTC] tabacco (Doug Tabacco)
Description: ------------ Could you please add the 'Packagist' service hook to the Github repo for this package, so that Packagist automatically updates when new tags are created? Also, you may have to manually force an update to packagist to get it to pick up the existing 1.0.3 tag. From the packagist docs: Enabling the Packagist service hook ensures that your package will always be updated instantly when you push to GitHub. To do so you can go to your GitHub repository, click the "Settings" button, then "Webhooks & Services". Add a "Packagist" service, and configure it with your API token, plus your Packagist username. Check the "Active" box and submit the form. You can then hit the "Test Service" button to trigger it and check if Packagist removes the warning about the package not being auto-updated. Test script: --------------- n/a Expected result: ---------------- n/a Actual result: -------------- n/a
