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Request #21047 Datatype ($db_type) interval missing
Submitted: 2016-03-31 19:08 UTC
From: jugantner Assigned:
Status: Open Package: MDB2_Driver_pgsql (version 1.5.0b4)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: independant
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2016-03-31 19:08 UTC] jugantner (Julian Gantner)
Description: ------------ In file MDB2/Driver/Datatype/pgsql.php in function _mapNativeDatatype (row 411ff) the type "interval" is missing. Its a timestamp-timestamp datatype in postgres. It would be nice to include this datatype to the next release. Are there any release plans? If no, how can I help? Expected result: ---------------- datatype ($db_type) "interval" can be processed Actual result: -------------- datatype "interval" is unknown and thus a resultset cannot be analysed with the Reverse module if a column has datatype "interval".
