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Request #19642 Generator-comments is urlencode()ed if using pgsql
Submitted: 2012-10-08 10:05 UTC
From: madsliejensen Assigned:
Status: Open Package: DB_DataObject (version 1.10.0)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2012-10-08 10:05 UTC] madsliejensen (Mads Lie Jensen)
Description: ------------ The Generator.php adds a comment to each field, indicating thing like the type and default value. However, the postgresql-driver for DB is rawurlencode()ing these flags. So if the default value of a field is 'now()' it will be displayed as 'now%28%29' in the comments. This is not to be fixed in the pgsql-driver (see bug #19641 ) But could it be fixed in Generator.php, so that it will output data that is easier to read? (by adding a urldecode() to the comments before adding them)
