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Bug #1451 Statistics broken links... and more on the subject
Submitted: 2004-05-20 11:10 UTC
From: thesaur Assigned: danielc
Status: Closed Package: Web Site
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2004-05-20 11:10 UTC] thesaur
Description: ------------ On the statistics page for a given package, the link to the release is wrong: Instead, it should be to: I think you must have just changed it it one of the recent commits. (I think when you changed to /package/ because before that it could simply add &release=X to the querystring.) It really annoys me that I can't see all the statistical information I used to be able to. For example, last download, etc. The graph also takes much longer to load. And there's no link to the statistics on the package page. Instead, it's rather troublesome to always have to select from the statistics dropdown menus.


 [2004-05-20 12:12 UTC] danielc
As far as the version number break, I'll generate a patch for that.
 [2004-05-20 14:17 UTC] danielc
The broken links have been fixed. Thanks for your help. Regarding the enhancements (or replacing what was there), I agree. We'll look into implementing it.
 [2004-07-26 18:32 UTC] danielc
Added release date when looking at package's stats. Martin: Can you please update the database with this query: alter table package_stats add last_dl datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00' not null; _AND_ update pear-database.php lines 1688 et seq to this: $query = 'INSERT INTO package_stats VALUES (1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $dbh->query($query, array($pkg_info['name'], $version, $package, $release_id, $pkg_info['categoryid'], date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ) );
 [2004-08-02 15:40 UTC] mj
The database is altered and the script is changed now.
 [2004-08-02 17:17 UTC] danielc
Fixed in CVS. NOTE: last download times will be correct once someone downloads the given file via the updated website.